Today is my 45th birthday! I'm praying that the Good Lord deems this to be my mid-life. How amazing would it be to live to 90? Let's celebrate by doing my first ever giveaway! We'll call it "The Random Birthday Giveaway". I'll do one gift for the U.S. and one for the international crowd. The items will be completely random (hence, the Random Birthday Giveaway). I have a lot of stuff in my cabinet of goodies. The giveaway will contain miscellaneous paper, book pages, stickers, wax seal, ribbons, washi tape samples, cards, bookmarks, fun post-it notes, and whatever else I throw in. How to enter; * Follow me and like this post. * Tell me in a comment if you're in the U.S. or International. * Tag some friends below. Each tag is an entry. * Bonus entry - Share the picture of my craft cabinet to your story, razzle-dazzle it with words or stickers, and tag me on it. If your account is private, message me a screenshot of your story. * Extra bonus entry - follow me on TikTok @Nicholes.Hobbies * I'll determine a winner on 4/15. I will contact you directly through a message and will never ask you for any financial information. THIS @treasuredpost is the only account that should be contacting you. This is obviously not affiliated with Meta, Instagram, or TikTok in any way, shape, or form. They're not sponsoring it, and neither are any other companies. #treasuredpost #randombirthdaygiveaway #giveaway #craftsupplies #ephemera
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